Enneagram Typing and Coaching

Receive support in using the Enneagram as a map for your personalized path of healing and transformation.

If you do not yet know your Enneagram type, let’s start with a Typing Session to discover where you land within these 9 personalities. Yet knowing your type is just the beginning. As a trained Enneagram coach, I will help guide you through your blindspots, stuck places and unhelpful habits to discover the True You that is waiting to be uncovered. The momentum of our personalities (egos) is so strong that it requires an outside witness to guide us through the weeds. Whether you’re feeling stuck relationally, vocationally, spiritually or psychologically, Enneagram coaching can help!



Gift certificates are available. (They make a great birthday or holiday gift, or a wedding/anniversary gift for a couple!)

  • $90

    Typing session

  • $160

    Typing Session & 1 follow-up coaching session (best deal!)

  • $90 - $120 (Sliding Scale)

    1 hour coaching session